Gratitude Journal Prompts 

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Use these questions or prompts to help you reflect upon things you can appreciate.  They are intended to help you get started.  Please skip over any items that don't feel helpful to you!

1. Who or what can make you laugh?
2. Think of a recent problem or challenge that is no longer present and note your appreciation for the absence of that challenge. For example, if you had a tooth ache last week and it’s now gone, give thanks that it’s resolved.
3. Recall a gift that brought you joy. What was the gift and what about it did you appreciate?
4. Describe a place that you’ve seen or visited that, when visualizing it, brings a smile to your face. It could be a beloved spot from childhood or your favorite ice cream parlor.
5. Who amongst your teachers, mentors, or coaches provided you with something that was meaningful. It could be extra help after school or the opportunity to ask questions.
6. Think of a time when someone that hurt your feelings or upset you in some way was able to own up to their mistake and apologize. Be grateful to them and for the experience.
7. Consider modern technology and identify something you take for granted that you would really miss if it was lost. Maybe the GPS system on your smart phone?
8. What food/s do you like to have on hand? Express gratitude if this item is regularly available. (coffee, tea, fresh fruit, candy …)
9. Reflect upon the people that play a role over the course of your week. Who shows up in a way that you might overlook? Perhaps it’s the letter carrier or a delivery person. Maybe it’s someone who works the register at the local grocery store.
10. Is there an app on your phone, tablet, or laptop that makes your life easier?
11. Is there a product that you use regularly that helps you feel good? (This can be a skin lotion, a diet supplement, or your favorite type of pen)
12. What scent do you find pleasant?
13. What is your favorite tee-shirt, sweater, or coat?
14. What transportation is available to you?
15. When was the last time you had a day off? Be grateful even if you really need a day off NOW!
16. If you had to appreciate something about yourself, what would that be? Your long legs, your freckles, your ability to tan vs. burn, the color of your eyes …
17. Is there a dream or fantasy that brings you hope?
18. Write about something you learned to do despite challenges.
19. Did you have a hobby as a child? Do you have a hobby now?
20. Is there someone you can count on when things are difficult?
21. Have you ever won anything? Either by chance of in a contest.
22. Finish the sentence, “my life improved when _____________”
23. What is your favorite season?
24. Do you have a favorite song? What about it do you enjoy?
25. What did you like about being a child?
26. What do you like about being an adult?
27. What is on your bucket list? Appreciate the possibility of pursuing plans!
28. Is there a book that really spoke to you?
29. Are you more of a mountain person or an ocean person or do you like them both equally?
30. Write down a question you’d like to ask someone and let yourself enjoy being curious.
31. When was the last time you voted in any election (big or small)?
32. Who appreciates your opinion?
33. What are your most comfortable shoes?
34. What makes your bed comfortable? (blanket, pillow, sheets …)
35. Is there a color that brightens your mood?
36. What would get you to jump out of bed in the morning?
37. Who do you admire and how do they influence you or your life?
38. Is there a skill or talent that you and/or others appreciate?
39. How were you able to help someone?
40. Reflect on an experience that taught you an important life lesson.
41. What 3 things would enhance any ordinary day?
42. When you have time to exercise or be active in some way, what do you like to do?
43. What’s the best part of summer? Fall? Winter? Spring?
44. Think of something you took for granted as a child and only realized how special it was after you were much older. (maybe having your own bedroom, having cousins or neighbors to play with, knowing your grandparents, …)
45. What do you like about being out in nature?
46. What do you like about being indoors?
47. When you have extra time on your hands (maybe when traveling?), what do you like to do? Read, do puzzles, listen to podcasts …?
48. Name an item in your kitchen that you find helpful.
49. Where would/do you like to nap?
50. Do you like toppings on your pizza or do you prefer just cheese?
51. What is your favorite beverage?
52. What time do you like to go to sleep? Appreciate how it feels when you’re in bad at that time.
53. What time do you like to get up? Think of how much you enjoy getting up at that time.
54. Name a store or service in your area that you rely upon.
55. What are you using for your gratitude journal (cell phone, notebook, scrap paper)?
56. What would you bring to a deserted island if you could only bring 3 things?
57. When did you do something you weren’t sure you could do?
58. If you were a friend to yourself, what would you appreciate about YOU?
59. Name something that fits in the palm of your hand yet brings you pleasure.
60. Close your eyes and try to recall a good memory. Be thankful for any happy memory.
61. Who was the last person to hold your hand?
62. Is there someone you know that could cheer you up if you were feeling down?
63. Name someone that often complements you.
64. Has anyone ever loaned you money? Their car? Something else?
65. Who has gone to a doctor’s appointment with you? If not recently, when you were little?
66. What was your best subject in school?
67. Pause to take a deep breath. Appreciate the ability to breathe.
68. Name a good habit that you have cultivated.
69. Is there a photo that you really enjoy?
70. Look around and find something to appreciate about an item within view.
71. Is there a charity that you support or that you would like to support if you had the money? Be glad that it exists!
72. Name a routine or ritual that brings you comfort or joy.
73. What is your favorite holiday?
74. Which do you enjoy more, the morning, afternoon, or evening?
75. Do you have a “comfort food”?
76. Have you ever saved a greeting card or letter?
77. Can you think of a bad habit that you changed or stopped?
78. What’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done?
79. Have you ever climbed a mountain? (of any height)
80. Have you ever received a handmade gift?
81. Have you ever made someone a handmade gift?
82. Do you have anything framed that is special to you? A photo, artwork, a keepsake, a letter, the first dollar you earned … ?
83. Is there a quote that inspires or motivates you?
84. Are you part of any organizations, clubs, or groups?
85. Is there someone that you talk to every week?
86. When was the last time you got your haircut?
87. What do you like about snow, rain, or sunshine?
88. If you looked in your refrigerator right now, what’s there that you can appreciate?
89. Do you have a favorite ring tone or screen saver?
90. Give thanks to any healthcare providers that have ever taken care of you.
91. Appreciate those that have fought and continue to fight for freedom.
92. Remember those that keep your community operating smoothly.
93. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision?
94. Do you have plants in your home?
95. Do you have a neighbor or community member that is friendly?
96. What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
97. Is there something in your purse or backpack that you truly value?
98. What are you most proud of?
99. Where would you go/visit again if possible?
100. What do you want people to know about you?